Call for Papers: 5-th Edition of the International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB 2015)
The 5-th edition of the International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, will take place in the city of Iasi, Romania. This year the conference motto is "Challenging Issues for Health and Biomedical Technologies" and we have to stress that the sub-domains and topics of medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering represent fundamental pillars for the reinforcement of medical research and of health care.
The 5-th edition of this biannual conference is organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB and IEEE-EMC Romania Chapters, and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. Its specific aim and objectives are to promote concepts and advanced hardware and software technologies in the emerging domains of e-health, medical devices and instrumentation, biosignal and image processing, medical informatics, biomechanics, biomaterials, biotechnologies, medical physics, healthcare management, teaching and (e)learning, rehabilitative and assistive technologies, as well as in some younger disciplines such as bioinformatics, systems biology and the virtual physiological human.
- Medical records, clinical, epidemiological and multimedia data bases
- Medical imaging, image and biosignal processing and analysis
- Hospital information systems and healthcare networks
- Telemedicine, e-health and telecommunications
- Wearable systems and sensors, m-health and p-health systems
- Internet in healthcare and medical web portals
- Decision support systems and artificial intelligence in medicine
- Bioinformatics
- Computational Biology
- Biomechanics
- Biomaterials
- Micro and nanotechnology for medicine
- Medical physics and biophysics
- Chemistry applied in medicine
- Medical devices and equipment
- Measurement and instrumentation in bioengineering
- Health technology assessment
- Rehabilitative and assistive technologies
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Biotechnologies in medicine • Instrumental Analysis and Laboratory Technologies • Molecular bioengineering
- Bioengineering in dental and oral health
- Multimedia applications for medical and healthcare education and e-learning
- Systems Biology
- Modeling and simulation methodologies
- Virtual Physiological Human
- Neurosciences
- Management and marketing in healthcare
- Ethical and legal aspects of e-health and telemedicine • Biomedical sciences communication and career development
Papers submission and presentation
Full and original papers should be 4 pages in length, in conference style. Important date: your full papers are due on-line during July (from 1-st to 31-th) on EHB website. The reviewed, selected and presented papers at conference venue will be indexed in IEEE Xplore® and submitted to ISI Proceedings (Conference Proceedings Citation Index) data base.
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