Call for Submissions: MEDINFO 2013
20 - 23 August 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
MEDINFO 2013 is the premier conference that brings together world leaders, policy makers, researchers, practitioners, educators, and students to exchange ideas and contribute to the latest developments, innovations, and global trends in this rapidly advancing, multidisciplinary field.
The theme for MEDINFO 2013 is "Conducting medical informatics by Converging technologies, Conveying sciences and Connecting people," with an emphasis on how human-centered, integrative approaches can contribute to usable, adaptive, and cost-effective eHealth solutions for the world.
MEDINFO 2013 will feature a 2-day pre-congress program of tutorials, a doctoral consortium, and student paper competition. The main program will include keynote and invited talks by leading experts, paper and poster presentations, panel discussions, workshops, as well as system demonstrations. The 2013 program will also feature a special "Care for the World" mini-symposium of global, regional, and national initiatives and programs, which highlights the visions, challenges, and opportunities for research and/or industry collaboration and innovation in biomedical and health informatics.
Important Dates
Paper, Student Paper, and Poster Submissions: 10 December 2012
Panel, Tutorial, Workshop, and Demo Proposal Submissions: 10 January 2013
Care for the World Proposal Submissions: 10 January 2013
Acceptance Notifications: Mid March
MEDINFO 2013 is organized around four major tracks relevant to the domains of translational bioinformatics, clinical informatics, clinical research informatics, nursing informatics, consumer health informatics, and public health informatics; topics include but are not limited to:
Representing and understanding biomedical knowledge
- Ontologies/ Standards/ Terminologies
- Text and data mining/ Natural Language Processing
- Imaging and simulation
Enhancing care, patient safety and outcome
- Diagnosis/Treatment/Prognosis/Risk stratification
- Decision support and guidelines
- Reducing errors through system and cognitive (usability) measures
Managing care information and workflow
- Health information system/Clinical information system development and evaluation
- Information quality, privacy, and security
- Human factors and adaptive measures
Enabling cost-effective health care
- National and regional health information systems and infrastructures
- Informatics education and training
- Informatics policies and ethical issues
General submission guidelines
All submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee. Detailed submission guidelines and formats are available at the MEDINFO 2013 website: All submissions must be in English and must conform to the prescribed submission guidelines and formats. Over-length papers or papers that are not following the prescribed submission format may be rejected without review or asked to resubmit. All paper and poster submissions must not be in press or under consideration for presentation or publication elsewhere. Accepted contributions may be asked to be converted to single-page abstracts and presented as posters. A contributor may be the first author on no more than one article or proposal in each category submitted for review. All submissions must be made through the conference website; submissions will not be accepted by email or fax. Accepted contributions can only be included in the final conference program, if at least one author registers for the conference and commits to presenting the work.
For further information, please visit: